79th Annual Warren County Area Old Timer's Fast-Pitch Softball Game


The 79th Annual Warren County Area Old Timer’s Fast-Pitch Softball Game will be played this Sunday night at Monmouth Park in Monmouth. Opening ceremonies will begin at 4:30 p.m., followed by the game starting at 5:00. The opening ceremonies will include the flag representation, memorial remembrances, Old-Timer of the Year presentation, and the National Anthem, performed by the Monmouth-Roseville Madrigals.
“It’s an exciting event,” Tom Glenn, the Old-Timer’s Committee Chairman said. “We’re inviting any old-timer that has played softball between the ages of 45 and beyond from any of the counties – Knox, Henderson, Warren, and Mercer.”
After the Old-Timer’s Game, the Women’s All-Star Game is scheduled to start at 6:15. There will be drawings for door prizes for children throughout the evening. For more information regarding the event or to add your name to the player-list, contact Glenn at (309) 221-5276, or e-mail him at tomwcymca@hotmail.com.
written by Jackson Kane

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