The Warren County United Way, Knox County United Way, and the Regional Office of Education are teaming up to launch a new program, “Strive for Less Than Five”. Laun Dunn, of the Knox County United Way, describes what the program is all about:
“We are launching the “Strive for Less Than Five” attendance initiative. Basically what we are asking parents and students to do it is strive for less than five days absent this school year. One thing that studies show is that when a child misses more than five days it puts them on an equal track to summer learning loss, trying to catch up and make up the work. Not only that but trying to maintain good relationships with their peers and with their teachers, it’s just difficult when they are not in school,” shares Dunn.
Attendance leads to success. Children need to be in school to learn and that is the goal of this program and the revamping of the truancy policy. Regional Superintendent Jodi Scott shares the changes of the policy:
“Our intent of revamping that program was try to get away from the punitive piece of that and really work to support students and families and help with the barriers, and find out the reasons why they are not attending school and see how we can support them. So we have created in each one of the four counties a truancy review board that will be made up of social services agencies, law enforcement, and any other community agency that could help break down those barriers and support students and families,” Scott states.
To find more about this program or to get involved, visit or
written by Kelsey Crain