Rep. Dan Swanson Announces Local Community Colleges to Receive Capital Improvement Funds


Illinois General Assembly

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Rep. Dan Swanson 309/334-7474
September 11, 2018

Rep. Dan Swanson Announces Local Community Colleges to Receive Capital Improvement Funds

WOODHULL… State Representative Dan Swanson (R-Alpha) announced on Monday that the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget (GOMB) has signed off on Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) release of $11.3 million statewide for community college capital projects in the first round of this funding to be released in this fiscal year.

The release includes $237,460 to Black Hawk College for roof replacement and $11,400 to Carl Sandburg College for roof replacement, an emergency exit ramp for the Library and floor replacement dur to flooding in 2013.

“These are emergency type of projects for these two campuses,” said Rep. Dan Swanson. “These life safety improvements may not come with big ribbon cuttings, but they are critical to the safety of students and employees.”

Black Hawk College will be putting up $209,640 in local funds to complete the project and Carl Sandburg College will be putting up $38,135 in local funds.

“Infrastructure investment is a catalyst for job creation and economic development,” said Gov. Bruce Rauner. “We signed a bipartisan budget in June that includes funds for improvement projects that benefit local businesses and residents. This kind of investment is how government can play a positive role in the Illinois economy.”

74th District residents can learn more about state issues by visiting Rep. Dan Swanson’s legislative website at

***Report Courtesy of the Illinois General Assembly***

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