The Jamieson Community Center is accepting applications for the Christmas store and the Christmas baskets. 150 children aged 0 to 14 are already applied. Executive Director Nancy Mowen has more details:
“We use the same income guidelines as our food pantry. Parents pay $5 to shop and get to browse the store for their children and we purchase the items. The children then get a big item, like a coat, blanket, or books,” shares Mowen.
The holiday season is near and the Jamieson Community Center has delivered their first wave of angels for the Angel Tree to Midwest Bank. Executive Director Nancy Mowen has more:
“It has been a long standing tradition. They chose a Christmas basket or the Christmas store. We serve children 0 to 12 for the Angel Tree. The gift is usually a fun item for the child,” Mowen states.
For more information, visit or call 734-4251.
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