Thanks too many generous donations from the community, the new Western Illinois Animal Rescue facility is up and running very smoothly. Board President Dan Porter shares more:
“It’s always been a dream for 17 or 18 years, however long it has been in existence. You know it’s kind of hard to come up with the land and funding for a building and all that. We just decided we were going to make it happen no matter what. So we started doing fundraisers and it got better and better. Eventually we got enough money to complete this facility. I’m just thrilled we got this all done and it’s paid for and we don’t owe a dime,” Porter states.
Everyone involved with the rescue volunteers their time to provide the best possible care to the animals in the community.
To make a contribution to ensure the facility continues its’ success, visit or the Monmouth Small Animal Hospital.
Listen to the entire interview below: