Dear Galesburg citizens,
As we navigate through this time of uncertainty, both as a country and as a community, I want to assure you that the City of Galesburg is proactively responding to each development in order to help protect and guide our community throughout this evolving situation. The City continues to closely monitor developments from the state and federal government, as well as federal, state, and local health officials. Staying well-informed on the recommendations and mandates enables us to react quickly and in the best interest of the health and well-being of our community, citizens, employees, and businesses operating within the city.
As many of you have already heard, the first case of COVID-19 has been diagnosed in our community. While this brings this global problem close to home, please do not panic. The medical community and health experts have advised this would happen, and we are prepared and taking all recommended precautions. Do not hoard supplies or make rash choices, simply following the recommended social distancing and health recommendations is the best choice for ourselves, our friends and family, and our community.
This outbreak requires all of us to do our part to reduce the spread of the virus. Please practice recommended social distancing, including quarantining if you are ill, staying home outside of essential activities, and telecommuting to work when possible. Our hope is all businesses within our community will take it upon themselves to follow the state executive order (a copy of which is provided in this article).
We will continue to provide information to our citizens throughout this health crisis to keep you informed. Information on changes to City policies and procedures is continually updated on our website and social media. Links to reliable health information are also included in information the City is sharing with citizens. Everyone in our community can do their part to slow the spread of this virus by taking basic health recommendations, such as practicing social distancing, washing hands frequently with soap and warm water, covering coughs and sneezes, and following all directions from healthcare providers on when and how to seek health treatment.
Many residents have inquired what else they can do to help our community. Our local service agencies are coordinating volunteer efforts and more information on how to sign up is provided on the homepage of the City’s website. Galesburg has always been a caring and resilient community, and I have no doubt this spirit of camaraderie and strength will help us get through this challenge, just as we have overcome many obstacles in the past.
During this stressful time, take comfort in knowing that City personnel are implementing precautions to ensure they stay healthy in order to provide citizens with the services they need. Firefighters and Police Officers will continue to be there when you need them in times of emergency. Water Department personnel continue to work productively while instituting best practices for social distancing to make sure our citizens have water. Behind the scenes administrative personnel are working and telecommuting to make sure all first line responders have the resources and structure needed. We are here for our community and will continue to serve the public throughout this crisis.
I urge everyone in our community to remain calm and vigilantly do your part – follow the social distancing and health guidelines, be a good neighbor, do your part to keep our community healthy – and I have no doubt we’ll emerge from this challenge even stronger than we entered.
Thank you to each resident for your contributions to our community. Today and every day, we are stronger together.
I wish you all Godspeed.
Mayor John Pritchard
***Report Courtesy of the City of Galesburg***