The Galesburg/Knox County Emergency Management Agency continues to closely monitor developments regarding Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), including information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health. We are in daily contact with the Knox County Health Department, which is available to advise us whenever there is a public health or safety concern that may affect our community. As of this press release time, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Knox County.
As everyone is aware, Governor Pritzker has ordered the immediate closure of all schools as a precautionary measure against the transmission of COVID-19. All District 205 schools will remain closed until Tuesday, March 31st. The District, along with the Knox County United Way and the Knox County YMCA have partnered to provide food for students in need.
Below is a list of meal pickup sites and times where supplies of food will be distributed throughout the school closings starting tomorrow, March 16th. All times for food pick up at each site is 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m, Monday through Friday only.
● 1598 McKnight (Cedar Creek)
● 480 Iowa Avenue (Woodland Bend)
● 1064 W. South Street (Whispering Hollow)
● 876 E. Knox Street (Faith United Methodist Church)
● 1196 N. Academy Street (Bethel Baptist Church)
While there are still no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Knox County, we are now feeling the impact of this global pandemic in how we live our daily lives. These changes may be overwhelming and concerning to many, but the City of Galesburg is prepared to continue delivering services to our residents and businesses during this time of uncertainty.
We have plans in place to ensure the continuation of critical operations, like emergency services and the management of our municipal water. Additionally, we are following the most stringent guidelines and practices to ensure the safety and security of the resources we provide to our customers. At this time, City buildings remain open for business, and our City Council will continue to meet as scheduled. Residents have the option to participate by watching meetings remotely on public Channel 7 or online at
If you do come to one of our public buildings, know that our staff has been diligent ensuring that our facilities are clean, especially commonly-touched items like door handles, elevator buttons, counters and other fixtures. We will continue to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to help decrease the transmission of this and other viruses. In the days and weeks ahead, take the steps you feel necessary to prepare yourself and your family, but remember the best thing we can do is to follow sound advice from the CDC: stay at home when you are sick; wash your hands often with soap and water; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands; and practice social distancing.
Our City leaders remain in close contact with our local, state and federal partners to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in our area. As you continue to monitor the situation, please remember to seek out reputable sources of information. Our intergovernmental partners at our local schools, Knox County Health Department, and healthcare providers, among others, have been working diligently to provide information about operational changes. If you have a question, go directly to the source for information instead of relying on social media or unverified accounts.
Please remember that this is a rapidly evolving situation, and the Knox County Emergency Management Agency, the City of Galesburg and Knox County Health Department will provide additional information as it becomes available.
The City of Galesburg continues to closely monitor developments regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19), including information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health. As recommended precautions and mandates from the state have and will likely continue to affect the City of Galesburg’s typical operating procedures, comprehensive information is provided below on changes to City services, events, and policies. As new information is continually arising, this information is subject to change and will be updated as promptly as possible as changes are made.
City Facilities At this time, City Hall is still open the public and has implemented stringent cleaning regimens to maintain a healthy facility. For those who would prefer to not to visit in person, most services can be provided over the phone or online.
Parks and Recreation – Classes, Events and Facilities All events hosted by the City of Galesburg through May 15, 2020, including the Easter Egg Hunt (previously scheduled for April 5, 2020 at Lakeside Recreation Center) have been canceled.
All classes, leagues, and programs hosted by the Department of Parks and Recreation have been canceled through May 15, 2020. It will be reviewed at that time if classes will resume or remain canceled for another period of time. A refund will be provided for classes, leagues and programs which required a registration fee. City staff will contact all registrants regarding processing the refund. For questions regarding program refunds, please call 309-345-3683.
The Lake Storey Pavilion and Hawthorne Pool and Gym are closed through May 15, 2020. Lakeside Recreation Center is open for administrative purposes only. Bunker Links Golf Course is open.
Utility Bill Payment City Hall is currently open for payment of utility bills. However, it is recommended you utilize one of the following methods for paying your utility bill, if possible.
- Online –
- Over the phone – please call 309-345-3663 with your credit or debit card and account information to make payment over the phone.
- Drop-box – payments can be left in the drop-box in front of City Hall, 55 W. Tompkins Street.
Water shut-offs due to non-payment have currently been ceased.
Other city payments, such as registration fees, permit fees, etc. can also be processed over the phone by call the corresponding department. Department contact information can be found online at:
City Services – Transportation Currently, Galesburg Transit buses are continuing to operate as normally scheduled. Handivan is in operation for Handivan clients only for the purposes of medical, employment and nutritional. Public transportation through Galesburg Transit or Handivan is not available for passengers who are ill. If private transportation cannot be arranged, ill passengers should contact Galesburg Hospital Ambulance Service.
City Services – Refuse At this time, the City’s contractor, Waste Management, continues to operate for solid waste and recycling pick-up as normally scheduled. City Clean-up Days, scheduled for April 6 – 10, 2020, is also still scheduled to take place.
Public Meetings City Council meetings continue to be open to the public; however, residents are encouraged to participate by watching meetings remotely on Comcast Channel 7 or online at:
Agendas for all City boards and commission will continue to be posted on the City’s website in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Meetings have the potential to be cancelled and will be noted as such on the City’s website.
Purchasing The bid openings scheduled for March 18 and 25, 2020 will be closed to vendors and the public. This closed procedure for bid openings may be continued further into the future, dependent on circumstances, and information updated accordingly.
Notice to Appear Administrative Adjudication hearings for City ordinance violations have been canceled for March 24, 2020. Respondents will receive correspondence rescheduling their appearance date.
Essential Services – Fire, Police, Water The City continues to follow state and national guidance and utilize best practices to ensure the essential services that citizens count on the City to provide, such as Police and Fire protection and water services, will continue to be available.
For more information You can keep up to date by frequently checking the City’s website for updates, as well as following the City of Galesburg, IL Government and the Knox County Alert Network on Facebook. Links to additional resources are provided below. Center for Disease Control & PreventionKnox County Health Department
***Report Courtesy of the City of Galesburg***