ICC Issues Warning About What Not to Flush


To avoid costly plumbing repairs and wider problems affecting public sanitary sewer systems and the environment, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) today is reminding residents to toss away trash, not flush it down the toilet. Blocked drains and sewers can lead to severe consequences such as manhole overflowing, flooding in our homes and on our roadways, and pollution of watercourses.

“To avoid the spread of COVID-19 many of us are using more cleaning wipes on our hands and hard surfaces. And a shortage of toilet paper may tempt some residents to use and flush tissues, paper towels or baby wipes down the toilet. Despite what some packaging might say, these items are not flushable and can result in serious toilet clogs and damage to sanitary sewer systems,” said Illinois Commerce Commission Chairman Carrie Zalewski. “Please toss them in the trash. Don’t attempt to flush them away.”

Here is a list of items that should never be flushed down your drains:

  • Grease (Fats and Oils)
  • Cleaning and baby wipes
  • Paper towels
  • Toilet seat covers
  • Diapers
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Dental floss
  • Cleaning brush refills
  • Q-tips
  • Cotton balls
  • Engine oil, chemicals, and paints
  • Food waste
  • Razor blades
  • Latex materials
  • Medicine
  • Bandages

Additionally, chemicals, medicines, household cleaners and disinfectants can travel through sewers and wastewater treatment facilities causing harm to aquatic and marine life when discharged into our streams, rivers, and oceans. For more information visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration website at https://www.fda.gov/consumers.

For additional information about what the ICC is doing in response to COVID -19 visit https://www.icc.illinois.gov/home/covid-19.

***Report Courtesy of the Illinois Commerce Commission***

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