Selected awardee to help districts support students’ behavioral needs in compliance with changes to time out and physical restraint rules
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released a Request for Sealed Proposals for the Special Education Behavior Assessment and Training Project Grant. The three-year, $7.5 million grant will engage an entity in providing professional development and assistance to districts to implement safe and student-centered behavioral interventions. The selected awardee will help districts address students’ behavioral needs in compliance with the recent changes to Illinois’ rules restricting the use of time out and physical restraint.
School districts across Illinois are experiencing a shortage of special education teachers and school psychologists – with 675 unfilled special education teaching positions and 143 unfilled psychologist positions statewide, as of October 2019. This project will provide much-needed supports and assistance to current special education personnel, as ISBE simultaneously seeks funding to expand and strengthen the teacher pipeline.
“More than 18 percent of students in Illinois have a disability. This project will support schools in meeting students’ behavioral needs safely and in ways that help students build social-emotional skills,” said State Superintendent of Education Dr. Carmen I. Ayala. “Illinois took a giant step forward this past fall in restricting the practices of time out and restraint. This project will provide training and assistance to support districts in implementing safer and more proactive interventions in compliance with these new rules.”
The Special Education Behavior Assessment and Training Project will center on supporting districts in conducting Functional Behavior Assessments and in developing and implementing effective Behavior Intervention Plans.
The work of the awardee will include conducting local, regional, and state workshops and conferences; hosting webinars; providing coaching; and employing a statewide cadre of licensed personnel to coach and work alongside special education personnel in Illinois schools. ISBE will partner with the selected awardee to identify the schools and districts in the greatest need.
Functional Behavior Assessments andBehavior Intervention Plans are core supports required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for children whose behavior interferes with their learning or the learning of others.
Functional Behavior Assessments allow special education personnel to develop a holistic understanding of the causes of a student’s disruptive behavior and insight into the most effective interventions. Behavior Intervention Plans describe a team-based approach to proactive and evidence-based interventions for positive behavior change. Implementing the plan with fidelity across all school settings is critical to the success of student progress.
The Special Education Behavior Assessment and Training Project Grant is funded with federal IDEA discretionary funds. Proposals are due by 2 p.m. April 1. Interested offerors may access the RFSP at
***Report Courtesy of the Illinois State Board of Education***