Jamieson Community Center has been busily working to provide a months’ worth of food for each Senior Nutrition participant. Director Nancy Mowen has more:
“It is a combination of shelf stable and frozen meals. That way in case we couldn’t deliver for any reason, every single person is covered for a month, which is awesome,” Mowen states.
Jamieson Center works with the River Bend Foodbank to provide food for all nutrition programs, plus the local grocery stores to ensure a variety of food is available during these unprecedented circumstances.
The Jamieson Community Center food pantry guidelines have been changed during the COVID-19 pandemic and will remain in place throughout the emergency orders. Director Mowen reports what has changed:
“Families with children can come every single week to our food pantry. People without children can come twice a month. For people who are over the age of 65 and are unable to leave their home, or are being very, very cautious, we want them to call us. If we have any people that are self-quarantining, because they are not feeling well or a member in their family is not feeling well, again, please call us. We want to make sure everyone has food in their home. That is a huge, huge thing,” Mowen shares.
The Food Pantry is open Tuesday through Friday 11:30 to 3:30 and the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. The center is asking you to wait in your car for your turn, as one family is allowed in at a time.
For any assistance, contact Jamieson Center by calling 734-4251.