Knox County, IL – The Knox County Health Department and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) announce the first Knox County resident to test positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The case is a male in his 50s. Federal privacy restrictions prohibit the release of any additional information regarding this case. “The Knox County Health Department is following all of the guidelines set forth by the CDC and IDPH and taking all the necessary precautions with this case. The staff is working to identify, investigate, and actively monitor individuals who were in close contact with the patient,” said Michele Gabriel, Public Health Administrator of Knox County Health Department. “We understand this development causes heightened concern; however, the health and safety of our residents is our highest priority.” Residents are encouraged to be vigilant and continue to take preventative actions to prevent the spread of illness. Everyone has a role to play in staying healthy and keeping others healthy. Remember the 3 C’s – clean, cover, contain. The Knox county Health Department encourages resident to stay informed on the evolving situation. It is very important for the public to continue implementing social distancing to limit the spread of the virus. Social distancing means putting distance between yourself and others and staying home has much as possible. Be mindful of those who are at greater risk for contracting this virus, including older adults and those with certain health conditions. Again, the Knox County Unified Command reminds county residents to use trusted sources for the latest information on COVID-19 such as; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Illinois Department of Public Health For general questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931, email or call your Knox County Health Department 309 344 2224.