Latest Update (March 25th) From The IHSA Regarding Spring Sports

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As the IHSA staff and Board of Directors continue to monitor updates from government offices, as well as state and local health departments, we continue to support the possibility of our member schools completing both regular- and post-season spring sport seasons. The date schools are allowed to return to session will determine the length of the spring sports season and the potential of an IHSA State Series.

We will be working with our Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) to determine the need for an acclimatization period in advance of competition once school resumes. No timeline has been set at this time.

We are considering an extension of the spring sports season limitation to provide more participation opportunities for students. This may include movement of the post-season timelines and State Series.

We will continue to provide updates as new information is available. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Craig Anderson
IHSA Executive Director

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