Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce Covid-19 Updates


Surviving COVID-19
In an attempt to mitigate the emails to your inbox, the Monmouth Chamber will be sending periodic information, both for businesses and personal. We recognize that we are figuratively “circling the wagons” in an attempt to reduce the impact, not only to our population and residents, but also to our businesses.
We are following the recommended CDC guidelines in our office to reduce the spread of any virus through proper hygiene and office cleanliness. The health and safety of our employees, our office and visitors is the utmost priority. The Monmouth Chamber offices will be closed to the public until further notice. Staff will be available by appointment only. You will be able to reach us by phone (309) 734-3181, on Facebook, or by email.
All Chamber events for March and the beginning of April have been postponed. This includes the workshop this Thursday, the Trade/Home Show on March 28th and the Monmouth on the Move Luncheon with Cottage Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Clinic on April 1st. These events will be rescheduled at a later time if at all possible. Future events are on hold until we see how this restriction will pan out.
To gather the resources and updates to manage changing mandates, we have generated a submission form to collect and create a growing list of resources, businesses offering modifications to their format, and business needs. Please take a moment to complete, so that we can learn how we can best assist.
If your business is impacted by COVID-19, we also ask that you complete this survey hosted by the Illinois Small Business Development Center to provide insights into how our local businesses are being affected.
A webinar entitled “COVID-19 and the Workplace Response” provides considerations for employers. (all important, but employer-specific information begins at slide 23).

For Your Business:
For questions in regards to conducting business and any updates and FAQ about the disease, visit the or the Illinois Department of Public Health websites.

We continue to assemble resources and information for the business community regarding COVID-19. 

Illinois has filed its paperwork with the federal government to be declared a disaster area. With your help, the state was able to log over 2,000 individual businesses impacted and believes that the entire state will get the declaration (vs. individual counties). FEMA has had a very quick turnaround on these applications. A declaration will make communities and companies eligible for federal assistance, including SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. The Small Business Development Center at Bradley University is preparing itself to provide technical assistance and will be providing more information soon.

From DCEO and the Governor’s Office:
Please take a moment and complete this quick survey from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Development. Accurate responses to the questions will assist in evaluating a request for an economic injury disaster declaration from the U.S. Small Business Administration for our region and State.

On Sunday Governor Pritzker issued a ban on in-facility dining at bars and restaurants in Illinois, effective at 9 p.m. on Monday, March 16. You can read a copy of the Executive Order here. Each county health department is issuing its own guidance to establishments. Peoria City/County Health Department has advised that patrons can enter an establishment to pick up food provided that there is proper space for social distancing.

Attention non-profit organizations: Forefront, an association of Illinois grant makers and nonprofits, has developed a survey in an effort to collect responses from the nonprofit sector regarding the impact of COVID-19. Please take the survey here. Forefront also has a webpage dedicated to keeping the nonprofit sector apprised of COVID-19 developments, available here.

Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) offices have closed to the public but individuals are encouraged to file for unemployment online here. IDES has filed emergency rules that waive the one-week waiting period to apply for unemployment insurance benefits.

While the filing day for federal taxes remains April 15, 2020, the IRS has given individual filers an additional 90 days to pay income taxes due up to $1 million while corporations get the same delay for payments up to $10 million. Similar efforts are being made with the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding state taxes.  

The Illinois Secretary of State’s Office has closed through March 31 and all statutorily-required filings are extended by 30 days.

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