Due to the COVID-19 pandemic gripping our nation, school districts in Illinois have temporarily shut down. To help out, many schools around the state have offered to provide meal service for the students. Monmouth-Roseville School District 238 Superintendent Ed Fletcher says, as far as his district, things have gone well.
“We have been doing about 500 meals a day. It has gone really well. Parents have an opportunity to sign up for pick up at individual schools that occurs from 11:30 to 1:00 each day. I will note that next week we are going to go to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday pick up to help minimize exposure to the folks that are handing out the lunches. They are doing a great job, keeping everyone six foot away. I mean it is working really well, but just take another added step,” Fletcher states.
If a parent in the Monmouth-Roseville school district has yet to take advantage of the meal service program and would like to, Fletcher said parents can call 734-4712 or email Stephanie Sikorski at ssikorsi@mr238.org or go to the Monmouth-Roseville School District Facebook page at “Monmouth-Roseville School District #238 and leave a message.