Taking added precautions to help slow down the coronavirus outbreak is being done by everyone. The Monmouth Police Department is no different. Chief Joe Switzer states the department is taking the necessary precautions during the pandemic when assisting the public:
“We are going to remain visible, obviously, throughout what is going on. We have adjusted several things on how the officers take calls. A lot of things that can be handled by telephone, we are going to handle those by telephone. You are not going to get a face to face with an officer. Obviously any emergency or incident that does involve an officer having to respond to a location will be done. We are going to try and mitigate that the best we can. If we have to go to a residence, we will ask the resident to come outside. I would rather not have an officer go inside the residence. Again, as a mitigation factor. Also, keep the social distancing from someone when we are talking to them,” Switzer shares.
Switzer advises residents to try and stay home as much as they can and to practice social distancing by not congregating in groups.