OSF HealthCare provides COVID-19 texting tool


OSF HealthCare is keeping the public informed as Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads throughout the nation. In addition to Clare, the virtual assistant chatbot on osfhealthcare.org, OSF HealthCare has launched a second digital solution to educate and triage people who are concerned about COVID-19.

OSF COVID Companion is a free text messaging tool that the public can use to receive guidance about COVID-19. The text messaging program links users with key recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Departments of Public Health in Illinois and Michigan..

To subscribe, users can text OSF to 67634. OSF COVID Companion will then ask basic questions to provide information tailored to each individual user. Subscribers will receive educational tips for preventing or addressing COVID-19, as well as ways to connect with public health resources in their local area.

“OSF HealthCare wants to reduce anxiety during this uncertain time and make it easier for people to get the information and support they need,” said Jennifer Junis, senior vice president, OSF Saint Gabriel Digital Health. “The public deserves quick access to the most up-to-date, relevant information for their personal health situations. The OSF COVID Companion is a simple way to get daily updates delivered straight to your phone.”

OSF COVID Companion is designed to be used for anyone, healthy or sick. It does not require a download or login. For more information, click here or visit www.caresignal.health/covid/osf-healthcare.

OSF COVID Companion is one piece of OSF HealthCare’s digital solutions to help educate and triage people who are concerned about COVID-19. Clare, the virtual assistant chatbot on the home page of OSF HealthCare, is also equipped to screen for and educate the public about COVID-19.

The chatbot will listen for symptoms of COVID-19 and ask relevant follow-up questions, such as travel history, and whether a person is aware if they’ve been exposed to others with the illness. If necessary, Clare will direct patients to a newly established triage line. Staffed 24/7 with Registered Nurses from OSF HealthCare, community members who are experiencing symptoms like fever and sore throat, or considered at-risk will be able to access trained health care professionals at no cost for advice on testing and care.

Clare provides a safe experience for consumers to access medical professionals without the need to travel to a facility and risk possible exposure. Patients also have a third digital option which is to call the COVID-19 Nurse Hotline at (833) OSF-KNOW (833-673-5669).

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