Personal Injury Crash in Hancock County


A one vehicle personal injury crash occurred in Hancock County on Monday, March 16th approximately at 6:46 pm. A 17 year old female juvenile, with three juvenile passengers, were traveling westbound on East 2800th North Road just West of North 2300 East Road Dallas City. The driver lost control of a 2010 Gold KIA Forte and swerved to the south side of the road hitting an embankment and overturned, landing on the driver’s side. The driver and front seat passenger were unharmed. Back seat passengers sustained injuries and were taken to the hospital for treatment. A male juvenile was Air lifted due to his injuries. All four in the vehicle were wearing seatbelts. Charges of the incident are pending. Assisting agencies were Hancock County Sheriff’s Office, LaHarpe Ambulance service, LaHarpe Fire Department, and Hancock County Ambulance service.

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