Ron Moore Talks Market Facilitation Program with Congresswoman Bustos


Local Farmer and American Soybean Association Chairman Ron Moore spoke to Congresswoman Cheri Bustos on Monday about how the market facilitation program may need to be a continued through 2020-2021 for farmers due to uncertainty:

“For at least two years the market facilitation program that the administration has rolled out. Because of the trade disruption that was a solution that the administration came up with. Also, trade agreements we have signed and are working on others for solution, but I think much as I hate to ask for, another year of the market facilitation program this is not over. The China trade deals are not come to fruition where we can put markets back in profitable modes for farmers. The coronavirus has thrown another black swans of all black swans, so to speak. We do not know where we are going to end up. We are in the middle of it in the United States and it’s left so much market uncertainty and along with the risk of safety and health with our population,” Moore shares.

Moore also stated the market facilitation program was supposed to include funding for the USDA to develop new markets for ag products as opposed to relying on China as our main source of soybean exports.

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