Sec. White Encouraging the Public to Decrease Volume at Driver Services Facility


Update on Driver Services Facilities and COVID-19 (Coronavirus)Secretary of State Jesse White announced the Driver Services facility located in the James R. Thompson Center (JRTC), 100 West Randolph St. in Chicago will be closed beginning Monday, March 16 as the entire building has been closed to the general public. However, all other Driver Services facilities statewide will remain open. White is urging that only those with immediate needs for in-person service visit Driver Services facilities. In addition, he requests that applicants who must visit facilities not bring multiple people – friends or family – as this will help decrease the volume of people visiting facilities. “We want to continue providing vital services to the people of Illinois,” said White. “But we are mindful of the health concerns brought about by COVID-19. As a result, we are strongly encouraging those who do not need immediate service to consider delaying their visit to a facility.”Many transactions with the Secretary of State’s office may be conducted online at Customers are encouraged to take advantage of these online services, some of which include: obtaining a duplicate driver’s license or ID card, renewing a vehicle registration, obtaining a driver record abstract or renewing a standard driver’s license with the Safe Driver Renewal program.Customers who have valid passports, passport cards, military IDs or another TSA-acceptable form of identification do not need to apply for a REAL ID, particularly at this time. As a reminder, the federal REAL ID mandate does not take effect until Oct. 1, 2020. Customers who feel sick should not visit a Driver Services facility. Additionally, those with a weakened immune system should consider visiting a facility at a later date.White stressed that the office will continue to monitor the COVID-19 crisis and may adjust depending on news and events involving the virus and our state’s comprehensive responses to it.

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