Stay at Home State Executive Order and What it Means for the City of Galesburg


Many businesses and citizens in Galesburg are likely considering how the “stay at home” order enacted by Governor Pritzker will affect them, and their workplace. The order was announced on Friday, March 20, 2020 and is in effect from 5:00 p.m., Saturday, March 21, 2020 – Tuesday, April 7, 2020. The order requires all individuals currently living in the State of Illinois to stay at home or their place of residence, and only leave their residence to perform essential activities.   

The order goes on to indicate that all non-essential businesses and operations must cease. Essential businesses and operations that may continue include: stores that sell groceries; food production and agriculture; organizations that provide charitable and social services; media; gas stations and businesses needed for transportation; financial institutions; hardware and supply stores; critical trades; mail, post, shipping, logistics and delivery services; educational institutions (for the purposes of facilitating distance learning); laundry services; restaurants for off-premises consumption; supplies to work from home; supplies for essential businesses and operations; transportation; home-based care and services; residential facilities and shelters; professional services; day care centers for employees exempted by this order; manufacturing, distribution and supply chain for critical products and industries; critical labor union functions; hotels and motels; and, funeral services.  

The complete executive order from the Governor’s office is available on the State of Illinois Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response website.

Home page for State of Illinois Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response

Direct link to Executive Order 20-10  

Essential businesses, which continue operations are mandated to take proactive measures to slow the spread of COVID-19. More information on protective measures can be found on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website.   

“We are encouraging citizens and businesses within the City of Galesburg to take the Governor’s executive order with the seriousness it requires but realize that essential services and their ability to obtain them will continue,” said City Manager Todd Thompson. “The City of Galesburg is doing our part as an organization to enact measures for City employees to telecommute when possible, and instituting proactive measures to keep essential City employees healthy in order to continue to provide citizens with emergency, water, and other essential services.”   

The Illinois Municipal League has provided an FAQ document on their website, which may answer questions many businesses and citizens are currently concerned about. In addition, changes to City policies or services, as well as links to reliable sources for health information are provided on the City of Galesburg’s website.   

Businesses operating within the City of Galesburg are encouraged to review all the resources provided in this article to determine if the State of Illinois executive order applies to their business. Business owners with more questions, may contact the City of Galesburg Administration office at 309-345-3628 for additional guidance. 

***Report Courtesy of the City of Galesburg***

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