Warren County Offices will reduce operations


Effective immediately, due to ongoing concerns with the COVID-19 virus, there will be reductions in service at the Warren County Courthouse and access to the building will be extremely limited.   Only the individuals with a direct need to enter the building will be admitted, and that will be restricted as outlined below. No family and friends accompanying will be allowed in. This includes any court hearings.  

Circuit Clerk    734-5179

No passport services.

Fines are to be mailed or placed in the drop box at the front of the courthouse. Payments can also be done on line.

County Clerk and Recorder’s Office 734-8592

Title searches/filings will be permitted for searchers and attorneys.

Call for vital records, marriage licenses.

Call for an amount due on delinquent property taxes. The payment can be deposited in the drop box at the east door of the courthouse with a cashier’s check or a money order, NO cash please. 

Voter registration can be done online and mailed to the County Clerk’s office

State Attorney 734-8476

Call for questions.

Probation 734-4137

All probationers should contact their probation officer via telephone and follow their directions.  Probationers should not appear at the probation office.  This will apply through April 30, 2020 and will be re-evaluated at that time.

Treasurer 734-8536

All payments, fees, and ordinance violation payments by mail only or the drop box at the court house east entrance.  No in person payments. Call the Treasurer’s Office if you have questions.

Veteran’s Affairs 734-6767

Call only. No in person meetings.   Note this office does not have an answering machine. Normal hours are M-W-F 9AM to 12PM.

Supervisor of Assessments 734-8561

Call for services. The office is not taking homestead exemption applications or renewals in person at this time.

Sheriff 7348505

No inmate visiting.

No fingerprint services.

No evictions.

Only persons with specific business are to enter the Sheriff’s Office lobby. No others allowed to accompany.

Sex offender registration is still required.

No civil process papers except for Emergency Orders of Protection and Plenary Orders.


The following is derived from an order of the Chief Judge, 9th Judicial Circuit. If you have questions contact the Circuit Clerk.

The following court actions are postponed

• Civil matters, including jury trials
• Traffic violations (TR, OT)
• Ordinance violations (OV, CL)
• Misdemeanor cases (CM)
• Probate (P)
• Small Claims (SC)
• Family Cases (F,D)
• Law magistrate (LM, L, CH)
• Juvenile Cases (except as outlined below)
• Marriages
• Criminal and Traffic Reviews and Status Hearing s
• Tax cases (TX)

Each party litigant shall receive a notice in the mail upon rescheduling. Litigants are directed to ensure that their mailing addresses are updated and current. Litigants may contact the Circuit Clerk in the county of the pending case with any questions.

Emergency matters may be scheduled on a case-by-case basis. Individuals shall contact the Circuit Clerk in the county where the case is to be heard for the purpose of seeking approval from the Court to schedule an emergency matter.

By the Chief Judge, 9th Judicial Circuit, is further ordered as follows:

The following court proceedings will be held as scheduled, with appearances expected for all litigants, unless travel or health exemptions apply (see below):

• All matters with individuals in-custody, including bond review
• Criminal felony matters except probation and payment reviews
• Juvenile temporary custody hearings (shelter care)
• Juvenile detention hearings
• Petitions for Emergency Order of Protection/No Contact Stalking Orders (OP)
• Plenary Order of Protection/No Contact Stalking Orders
• Emergency hearings in family matters (D and F cases) scheduled with approval of the Court
• Any other emergency hearing as scheduled and approved by the Court

Regardless of business, persons will not enter the courthouse if they:

• Have been in any of the following countries within the preceeding  21 days: China, South Korea, Italy, Japan, Iran, or
• Reside or have close contact with anyone who has been in one of those countries listed above within the last 21 days; or
• Have been directed to quarantine, isolate or self-monitor at home for the coronavirus by any medical provider; or
• Have been diagnosed with, or have had close contact with anyone diagnosed with, COVID – 19; or
• Have flu-like symptoms including, fever, cough or shortness of breath

If you are an attorney or litigant and have a scheduled case, appointment or are otherwise required to appear at the courthouse in connection with a court case, but are unable to appear because of the above restrictions, please contact the Circuit Clerk in the county where the case is pending.

***Report Courtesy of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office***

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