Larry Eckhardt, affectionately known as Larry “The Flagman” passed away on March 31st after a long battle with cancer at his home in Little York. Eckhardt was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in January of 2018. According to his obituary, Eckhardt served in the United State Marine Corps reserves. He began his journey as “The Flag Man” 15 years ago when he attended the funeral of a fallen soldier and noticed there were no American flags to honor the man whom he considered a hero. So began his journey as “Larry The Flag Man” to insure that fallen soldiers and first responders were given the respect they deserved. He started with 50 flags, which multiplied into a force of volunteers across 14 states. During those 15 years, it was estimated Eckhardt placed nearly a half-million flags along funeral routes in honor of soldiers and first responders. He received the DAR Medal of Honor in 2011, was named Honorary Member of the Kentucky Colonels in 2013 and received the Judah P. Benjamin award from the Daughters of the Confederacy in 2013. On June 14, 2012, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn declared that day as Larry “The Flag Man” Eckhardt Day in Illinois in honor of his service to veterans. A celebration of life for Larry Eckhardt will be held at a later date when the COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions are lifted.