As the state of Illinois prepares to enter Phase 4 of Governor Pritzker’s Restore Illinois Plan on Friday, Trevor Davies of McGuire and Davies Funeral Home and Crematory, states how the guidelines influence their services:
“Phase Four will allow for up to 50 people to gather at the funeral home, graveside, or wherever people would like to have the service. With that being said, the guidelines are that they expect people to wear masks at all times. We are very understanding of the fact that sometimes people who have health issues or problems can’t, but we do have signage on our front door of the funeral home, as well as around the funeral home that does ask folks to wear masks if possible. We have hand sanitizer and cleansing areas all throughout the funeral home and we are constantly wiping things down. We have Clorox wipes and we wipe down door handles, knobs, bathroom fixtures, and everything constantly throughout visitations and funeral services. We have even already taken chairs out of the chapel and have our chapel set a certain way so that they are social distancing,” Davies says.