IHSA Hints at Moving Fall Sports to Spring

Photo Courtesy of https://www.ihsa.org/


With high school fall sports practices scheduled to begin on Monday, August 10th, many folks around the state of Illinois are wondering if that will even happen. The uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic has everyone questioning, and giving their opinion on, what should take place. Hopefully, by mid-to-late next week we’ll have more clarity or even a plan in regards to the Return to Play Guidelines. Last week, the IHSA’s Executive Director Craig Anderson issued a press release stating that it will defer to the Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois State Board of Education and the Governor’s Office on all future Return To Play Guidelines decisions. Anderson went on to say that the IHSA understands that there needs to be a greater consistency between the guidelines for returning to in-person learning in schools this fall and returning to interscholastic athletics.

The IHSA was scheduled to hold a board meeting this past Wednesday but that was postponed to the 29th because Anderson and a few IHSA board members will be taking part in a round table discussion with leaders from the IDPH and the ISBE sometime on Friday. The IHSA will take information learned from that round table to help guide them as to how they will proceed with fall sports.

Though nothing official has been announced, an email sent by Anderson to athletic directors on Wednesday might have provided clues as to which way the organization is leaning in their plans, including waiting until early January. Anderson said, “If we remain limited in our ability to offer all of our fall sports this fall, we are considering a schedule that would permit all three seasons of sport activity to be conducted during the 2020-21 school year. We have received numerous emails from school administrators requesting this model to play out. This idea remains a priority for our staff and board. We are considering virtual competitions for many of our activities.”

Earlier this week, the Iowa High School Athletic Association announced that football, cross country, and golf are all on, with practices starting August 10th. The IHSAA is expected to release guidelines for each sport later this month.

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