Can mosquitoes transmit the Coronavirus? The answer is no, they cannot. Dr Cliff Martin with OSF Healthcare explains that the nature of COVID-19 is not blood borne and thus would not be passed along by mosquitoes…
“and the reason of that is, the majority of the time when that’s the case, the virus itself will live as a host. They may not really infect but will live in the mosquito as the mosquito will kind of harbor or hold on to it. And yes, the mosquitoes can bite somebody with a virus and get that in their blood. We don’t really catch Covid through blood transmission or body fluid transmission, we catch Covid in the respiratory track. So, there really shouldn’t be any way that a mosquito can transmit the virus.”
Mosquitoes can carry disease but most, especially those native to the U.S, tend to cause little more than mild skin irritation.