Knox College Prairie Fire Student-Athlete Spotlight


Autumn Schneider is a Junior from Carmi, IL and a middle on the Knox Volleyball team. She is a student worker in the fitness center, runs intramural volleyball, and is a part of the Good Athlete Project.  Autumn is majoring in Psychology with a minor in Anthropology in hopes of one day becoming a criminal profiler/ behavioral analyst. 

What is your favorite Knox memory? 

My favorite Knox memory was dressing up for Halloween as hula girls with my best friend, Mady Ferris. Halloween is my favorite holiday and any night spent laughing with her always creates the best memories. 

What do you love most about your sport?  

I love how the game is always changing and that there is always something new to learn. No two games or even sets are the same and that is what keeps me on my toes wanting to get better.

Why did you choose Knox?   

On my first visit to Knox my mom asked me, “Could you see yourself here if you weren’t playing volleyball?” and I replied with yes. After being on campus for two years, I really stand by that decision. The way Knox is structured is really appealing to me and makes it easy and makes me eager to learn. Volleyball is a bonus because at the end of the day you are a student before an athlete. 

What do you love about Knox?      

I love how Knox is like its own small community, especially within the athletic department. There isn’t one person working within athletics that I don’t know and there are rarely other athletes I don’t know. It’s difficult to walk across campus without encountering someone you know and exchanging hellos.

If you could travel/live anywhere in the world where would it be?       

I would love to see the Grand Canyon. It has always been a dream of mine and I think it is so fascinating how different the world can be just within the United States. 

What do you like most about Galesburg/Galesburg Community?     

My favorite thing about Galesburg is the coffee selection. I am a huge ice coffee fan and Galesburg has many coffee places. You can most commonly see my roommate and I getting ice vanilla lattes at the “coffee box,” Orange Cup Java Station. 

If you could play any sport (that you do not already play) what would it be?

I think playing hockey would be really fun. The thought of playing a sport where you can slam into people while skating on ice seems intriguing. 

What is your favorite movie?    
My favorite movie is the Lovely Bones. 

What is your favorite band/artist?

I enjoy listening to Oliver Tree, Chance the Rapper and Post Malone.  

***Story courtesy of Knox College***

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