Statement from Mayor Rod Davies:
Now, more than ever, proven experience is critical for steering Monmouth to a brighter future. That’s why I’ve chosen to seek reelection as Monmouth Mayor as we navigate these unprecedented times.
This will be a very critical election for our town’s future. I guided our Community through the financial crisis of 2008 and I can tell you that this current crisis will be a much greater challenge. I believe that my proven leadership in steering Monmouth through some tough times and my expertise in government finance will be vital in the next four years.
I want to finish some important work that is in progress now.
- Infrastructure. We continue to be challenged by unfunded EPA mandates. These mandates challenge us to comply without any state or federal assistance. We met this challenge before when we built a new $17 million waste water treatment facility without a rate increase to our residents. I want to see through the USDA grant application we have in progress to support the downtown major sewer interceptor rebuild.
- Downtown. We are currently applying for essential grant funding to revitalize our City’s center, to refurbish its aging infrastructure and secure our historic downtown buildings for another generation. I want to complete the renovation of our historic downtown. We are also well placed to receive another $1.2 million ITEP grant for downtown rehabilitation.
- Streets. We have been working to get access to additional Build Illinois Funds which would supplement our local funding to improve our streets. The traditional Motor Fuel Tax funds have not been enough to keep up with needed road repairs. We were just notified that we will be receiving extra funding which will help with future road projects.
- Economic development. I want to continue to seek investment in the Opportunity Zone, which encompasses the area south of the railroad tracks, and build on our recent success bringing in the Love’s Travel Stop project.
These priorities build on a list on past successes that, working with the City Council and other key partners, such as Monmouth College, the Chamber of Commerce, and others, we can be proud of.
- Jobs and growth. From helping existing large employers like Smithfield and Midwest Pet Food (formerly Wells) to attracting new firms like Cloverleaf and Hirschbach, we’ve helped create hundreds of new jobs, expanded economic opportunity for the people of Monmouth and improved our quality of life. Our growth targets large and small businesses and is spread out throughout the entire City.
- Downtown development. We’ve not only helped with small business growth and retail development in our City’s core, we also helped facilitate housing (loft apartments), entertainment (Fusion Theater) and dining opportunities.
- Infrastructure. We’ve leveraged state and federal dollars to invest millions in our water and sewer systems, streets, housing and building stock and airport. Improved infrastructure provides the foundation for job growth and economic development.
- Basic services. We’ve been able to maintain our core services throughout some very challenging times unlike other regional communities. It’s all about establishing priorities and making tough decisions to fund vital services.
There is so much more we’ve accomplished and I’ll be sharing that during this campaign. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to lead this City and ask the voters for their continued support to build on our progress.