West Central Head Start has shifted to full remote learning this fall school year for their three to five aged students. Family Services Manager Lisa Medina-Foshay explains activities are individualized to each student:
“We are doing two twenty minute sessions for each class. If you cannot log on at the early one, then log on at the later one. Beyond that, our teachers are saying that if they need to meet with a child and their family at 5:30 at night, they will adjust and do that. We are doing some individualized things there. They are also recording the sessions so that the children can look at it later and see what the responses were from other kids versus what their response was to the same type of thing. We are still providing materials as well,” Medina-Foshay states.
Assessments of each child and family advocates are still being assigned to all students to assist with any concerns. The twelve month Early Headstart program for birth to three children are meeting remotely as well.