Scammers have taken to multiple roads of action in attempting to collect your hard earned money anyway possible. As more are working from home and unemployment numbers have risen as a result of the pandemic, unfortunately numerous scams have plagued residents locally. Security Savings Bank Vice President Dorothy Ricketts shares to always be aware of texts, calls, emails, or mail being received for fraudulent activity:
“You just have to look at all of those with suspicion. If you are not expecting it, or you don’t know what it is, delete it. If somebody really needs to get ahold of you, they will find another way to get ahold of you if you don’t respond to a text or email. Watch your accounts closely. Check with the bank if you have any questions about unusual items on your account. You don’t get something for nothing and it does not matter how nice the person is on the phone to you, they can still be a bad person.”
Hear more from Ricketts on scams affecting local residents such as the unemployment fraud and ways to remain safe by listening to the podcast below: