Superintendent Whitsitt says United School District to Receive Second Round of Stimulus Relief Money

Photo Courtesy of the United School District


The United School District will be receiving their second round of stimulus relief money. Superintendent Jeff Whitsitt says an application has to be approved by June 30th to receive an allotment of $516,000:

“The United School District is looking at about $516,000 and some change worth of relief funds. This is a little different scenario too in that we have a lot longer time frame to expend those dollars and there are fewer restrictions. There are still restrictions on it, but they are a little lighter, a little less stringent as far as how we utilize those funds. Right now we are in the mode in that we do have to have an initial application in and approved by June 30th. We will work and make sure that gets done to lock in our dollars. Frankly I am in no rush to spend them just yet. I think it is something we need to discuss how we go about what is going to be the best way to utilize those dollars for us.”

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