The Warren County Health Department is announcing 21 additional confirmed case of coronavirus disease
(COVID-19), bringing the total cases to 1667. 1598 cases have had their symptoms resolve. Due to federal
privacy restrictions, release of any additional information is prohibited. To date there have been 49 confirmed
COVID-19 related deaths.
New cases include:

County level COVID-19 metrics for Week 12 from March 21–March 27, 2021 remain stable for Warren
County. IDPH uses numerous indicators when determining warning signs of increased risk in the county. A
county is considered at a warning level when at least two of the following metrics trigger a warning.

Test sites for Warren County:
• OSF Medical Group-Monmouth at 309-734-1414 (symptomatic only)
• Cottage Clinic at 309-734-0100
• Knox County Health Department at 309-344-2225
• Eagle View Health Systems at 309-867-2202
• HyVee Pharmacy on E Main in Galesburg-register at
• Monmouth College (Tuesdays and Fridays 8am-1pm) at
IDPH Vaccination Dashboard:
Warren County (04/05/2021)
7,994 vaccine doses administered
3,310 population fully vaccinated
19.43% population fully vaccinated
17,032 total population
Where can I get the most reliable and up to date information?
• The Illinois Department of Public Health
• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• The Warren County Health Department
• OSF Healthcare Vaccine Info: COVID-19 Vaccination | OSF HealthCare
And General COVID Information / Resources: COVID-19 | OSF HealthCare
***Report Courtesy of the Warren County Health Department***