Lawmakers Approve Proposed Constitutional Amendment Giving Workers the Right to Unionize and Collectively Bargain


Voters will be asked if Illinois workers should have a fundamental right to unionize in the March election. The amendment to the state constitution would make it a fundamental right for workers to form a union and collectively bargain. It was sponsored by Representative Marcus Evans of Chicago, who urged his colleagues to vote yes.

“Where do you stand when you look that working mother in your community in the eye and do you want her to have collective bargaining. Do you want to have representation or do you want to follow many other states as they continue to, through a concerted effort, take away the rights of the working man and woman. You have to make a decision.”

The amendment also prohibits municipalities from passing local right to work laws. It’s passed both the house and senate and will now be put to the voters.

***Report Courtesy of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services***

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