Local Family Raises Child Abuse Awareness Through Silvie’s Ride


Annually, the family of Silvie Yocum, a five-year old girl that became a fatal victim of domestic abuse, hold a Ride Against Child Abuse to raise awareness as a group travels by motorcycle and other motor vehicles throughout Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, and Warren Counties. Western Illinois Regional Council Public Relations Manager Jamie Roth shares Silvie’s Ride is an all-day event:

“You don’t have to participate all-day in order to support the program. There is a breakfast that starts at 7 a.m. at the Macomb Elks Lodge. It is eight dollars per person and it’s all you can eat. All the money goes to Silvie’s Ride. For people that are interested, you can participate in the ride and what they do it they travel as a group throughout our service area. They will start in Macomb and go through several counties as a group. It is really impressive to see 50 to 100 bikes all leaving at the same time. When they leave Macomb there is a police escort. The family does that to raise awareness about domestic violence and child abuse. All the funds are donated to Victim Services. If anyone has any questions about it, call out hotline for information or there’s also information on the WIRC website and our social media pages.”

Silvie’s Ride is scheduled for Saturday, June 19th.

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