Two beloved faculty members from Monmouth-Roseville Junior High are retiring after this spring: Cherilyn Thomas, the seventh grade English and Language Arts teacher, and Pat Tansey, the school’s secretary. Both of these wonderful women have been with the school for over two decades. Don Farr, the former principal from the junior high who retired this winter, expresses his sentiment toward his fellow retirees:
“Pat and Cherilyn and my family have always been very, very close, and I just wish them all the best as both of them are actually going into retirement. And I hope they’re able to travel, spend time with their kids and grandkids, and just enjoy life, because these two really, really, really deserve it.”
Friends and coworkers of both Cherilyn and Pat have submitted messages of congratulations. To hear these recorded messages, listen to the interview below. An open house was held on May 14th from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Monmouth Roseville junior high gym, celebrating Don, Cherilyn, and Pat’s many years of educating our youth.