Construction costs are a hot topic right now, especially in the insurance world. LMP Insurance Agent Rachel Kunkle has more:
“Just because if something were to happen, are you covered to put your house back together. On the personal line side it is an easier discussion because there tends to be endorsements that can increase your limits of either 125% or we have a carrier that does a guaranteed replacement cost endorsement. That is an easy conversation if you are covered and you have that endorsement, your home will be put back together. On the commercial side, we are just reviewing with everyone to make sure their current value is good and then continuing conversations if costs continue this way into the fall. It will be even more of a discussion to see what we can do there.”
Meanwhile, construction continues at the LMP Insurance Agency in Monmouth with a tentative date of completion to be the end of the summer for the new expansion. For any insurance needs, contact LMP at 309-734-2116.