The Lion’s Club will be holding their annual ice cream social starting from 6:00 tonight at Harmon Park, or the ICS gym if it rains. Tickets will be $4 and can be received from any Lion’s League player or at the park. Mark Richardson, Commissioner of the Monmouth Little Lion’s League Club, reports:
“Up at Harmon Park, we’re having our annual ice cream social. Things have been a little different this year, of course with COVID. This is something we usually do in the middle of the season, back in June. But being off a year and getting things all started back up again, it’s later. This year, we’re going to combine it with our award ceremony, so we’ll also be handing out trophies to the kids who got first place in the season and first place in the league.”
The award ceremony will also acknowledge Jake McElwee for his Eagle Scout project that improved the Harmon baseball park, as well as announce the Lion’s Club $500 scholarship winner.