With Christmas shopping beginning, crooks are well aware that consumers may let their guard down as they shop. Local police are warning you to be alert and not present yourself as a target either in person or online.
One of the biggest things you can do as a shopper, according to Madison County Sheriff’s Department Captain Will Dimitroff, is to be aware of your surroundings.
“Parking in a location that is close to the store so you can make a direct path to and from your vehicle is going to be the safest for you. When you are walking to and from your car, make sure you have at least one hand free. It makes you vulnerable if you have all of your hands filled with items and then naturally too, if someone wanted to take items from you, the appearance of having valuables in your hands is going to make you more of a target.”
He says the old adage of “safety in numbers” can be of benefit this time of year. Bringing along a shopping buddy can help keep you safe.
***Report Courtesy of farmweeknow.com***