Does Your Family Have a Fire Evacuation Plan?


The Monmouth Fire Department’s “Keep the Wreath Red” fire safety campaign continues throughout the month of December. Each year the Fire Department hangs a wreath on the front of the fire station decorated with all red lights and in the event of a structure fire a red light is changed to white. The MFD recently responded to a residential fire in the Monmouth community, changing one of the lights to white, and Fire Chief Casey Rexroat reminds families to take time and set up an evacuation plan:

“Used to be you have 15 minutes to get out of your house safely if your house caught on fire, now that time is cut down to two or three minutes to get out of your house before the hot black smoke and room flash over. That is why we push and push those smoke alarms. That is your first line of defense, which is the first thing that is going to alert you that there is a fire, and you need to get out. Just take some time with your family, if just takes a second to talk to your family and say ‘hey what are we going to do if there is a fire. If you are in your bedroom, how are you going to get out?’ Every bedroom should have a window that is openable. Even if you are on the second floor, we can get to you at a window. Just take a minute with your family and decide ‘how are we going to get out, where are we going to go, and where are we going to meet at’ so everybody knows and there is no confusion about when that happens.”

Chief Rexroat also recommends discussing with your family of what to do in the event of a natural disaster, locating a safe place to shelter within the home, and having emergency supplies nearby.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

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