There is still time to get signed up to attend Monmouth Strom Center’s Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 21st, says Executive Director Carol McCrery:
“We are going to be showing A Christmas Story at about 9:30 a.m. for anybody that wants to come in and have some snacks and watch that. Our actual party will start at 1:00, 1 to 3:30 p.m., we will play games, sing carols, and we will have refreshments. Everybody has a great time. We will have a gift exchange. If anybody wants to purchase a $7 gift; bring a present for a woman if you are a woman and men bring one for a man.”
Meanwhile, tags on the Angel Tree at Security Savings Bank to purchase a gift for a local senior are still available, which are then delivered right before Christmas.
**Written by Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**