Keep Your Identity Safe During Online Shopping this Holiday Season


Companies continue to work on combatting online fraud and offer ways to provide more secure purchases and protect your information from the so called “bad actors.” Security Savings Bank Vice President Dorothy Ricketts says well established stores will offer secure codes when paying online:

“If you notice a lot of the more established online entities and some of the former brick and mortar stores that have a good online presence, they will offer you codes to place your order with so you are not actually putting in your credit card information, but you are putting in a code that they have provided for you. There is some background set up to get that done. Certain credit cards also offer that as well if you set it up in the background with your credit card to begin with. You can get a code for your purchases that you make so that your credit card information isn’t crossing through the internet lines once you have done that original set up.”

With anything online Ricketts says you have to be suspicious and advises double checking websites to make sure they are legit before making a purchase.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

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