The Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276 Board of Education has begun the search process for a new superintendent for the 2022-23 school year. We have selected SCHOOL EXEC CONNECT, an educational search firm, to assist us in this process.
We are interested in receiving input from our community about the new superintendent. We would appreciate it if you would take about five minutes to fill out an online survey that is available through March 3, 2022. Please check the district website home page in the Superintendent Search link located on the home page for the link to the survey.
In addition to the survey, if you would like to provide input on the district’s strengths, the district’s challenges, and the skills and characteristics the next superintendent should possess, the SCHOOL EXEC CONNECT consultants invite you to attend the open community forum listed below. This is in addition to the forums that have already been completed.
*Wednesday, March 2, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276 High School Auditorium
Findings from the survey, and open forums, and the several focus group conversations will be used to develop a New Superintendent Profile that will be reported to the Board on March 9, 2022.
Mr. David Serven
Vice President, Board of Education
Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276
***Report Courtesy of the Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276***