Comptroller Mendoza Announces “Find My Refund” Alert System


the Illinois Office of Comptroller (IOC) launches a new system to alert taxpayers about the status of their state income tax refunds. While the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) is responsible for processing state income tax returns, the new Find My Refund alert system will let taxpayers know once the IOC has received the vouchers from IDOR needed for the Comptroller to mail the checks or make the deposits.  

“Each tax season, my office is flooded with requests from people who want to know where their tax refunds are,” said Illinois Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza. “While my office is not responsible for processing tax returns, I want to help ensure taxpayers get information about their refunds as soon as possible.”  

Illinois taxpayers can enroll in the Find My Refund system immediately by going to the Comptroller’s website: My Refund – Illinois State Comptroller ( Those who enroll will be notified via text and email about the status of their refund via automatic alerts every two weeks. Taxpayers are encouraged to sign up for this free service. 

The Comptroller does not have information on the status of tax refunds before IDOR fully processes them and sends the vouchers to the IOC. Not everyone who files their taxes will qualify for a tax refund. 

Find My Refund will let tax filers know once their refund has been received by IOC and when they can expect to receive it. The Comptroller’s office sends those refunds out within 24-48 hours of them arriving from the Revenue Dept. 

Those who do qualify for a state income tax refund and sign up for direct deposit can expect to receive it within a few days of the Comptroller receiving the voucher from IDOR. Those who request a paper check can expect it to arrive via mail within approximately five business days.  

“I am committed to releasing information to the public as transparently as possible,” said Comptroller Mendoza. “People are busy enough in their own lives to worry about having to check on the status of their tax refunds. This is one way I hope to help take this source of worry off their plates.”   

Further information on the status of state income tax refunds is available by visiting or by calling IDOR at 1-800-732-8866 or 217-782-3336. 

***Report Courtesy of the Illinois Comptroller Office***

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