The changing nature of COVID safety measures have been front and center for Monmouth-Roseville Schools Superintendent Ed Fletcher for the past two years.
And this past weekend was no different.
In reaction to a Sangamon County judge’s restraining order that temporarily lifted the mask-wearing mandate for the 700 participants named in the lawsuit, the Monmouth-Roseville Board of Education has decided that mask-wearing in District #238 is recommended for students, staff and faculty.
Superintendent Fletcher shares details of the decision:
“Some kids don’t want to wear masks, and some have health concerns they might worry about,” Fletcher said during a “Community Hour” interview Wednesday morning on WRAM. “Some staff members with health concerns are likely to favor masks.
“There’s really no easy decision.”
Fletcher said masks will continue to be required on buses, but not at athletic events.
“I met with (Principal) Jeff Ewing and (Athletic Director) Jeremy Adolphson on Monday, and we decided a common sense approach would be best for right now,” Fletcher said.
Along those same lines, Fletcher said: “Don’t come to a game, or to school, if you’re feeling sick or have symptoms. Let’s not have an inconvenience for one lead to an inconvenience for others.”
For more information about the school district’s COVID mitigation plans, you can listen to the “Community Hour” interview in its entirety by clicking the News Podcast tab on our website at