The Warren County Board has received a draft of their final audit report, which Chairman Mike Pearson says the county got a very good report:
“It was a very good report. Our retirement plans are fully funded plus a few percent. Of course, last year was a good year for investments and basically it is going to be what they call a clean audit where they found no deficiencies. They are a really good group to work with and all of our office holders give them all the information as soon as it is asked for and so it goes really smooth. We have had them for several years now.”
The final audit report is anticipated to be returned to the County Board sometime next week.
The County Board has voted to extend the ongoing wind turbine temporary moratorium for another six months or until the zoning document is completed. Buildings and Grounds Committee Chairman Sean Cavanaugh explains:
“The Buildings and Grounds Committee has two votes. One was whether we recommend another temporary moratorium, they voted to not recommend it, but then we voted to send it to the full board for discussion and the board passed another temporary moratorium on the wind turbines. It is basically the same as the last one, six months or until the new zoning document if formed, whichever comes first. My guess is that we will have a new zoning document before six months. We have made incredible progress on that. Mike, myself, and our zoning administrator, we have logged a lot of hours and conference hours with a law firm out of Chicago to help draft this thing because it is complicated. We can’t just sit down and write it because we have to know how the Illinois County Codes react with what we are doing and so forth.”
The updated final zoning document will consist of 200 pages.
**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**