Monmouth Kiwanis Club Pancake Day This Saturday


Saturday, April 23rd, the Monmouth Kiwanis Club will host their 56th annual Pancake Day at the Monmouth American Legion from 7 am to 1 pm. This event is the largest fundraiser for the club with proceeds staying local to support area youth organizations says President Julie Shaw:

“The money that us Kiwanians raise goes to local programs here in the community; Jamieson Center receives some of our funding, the YMCA, Rainbow Riders, we pack Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child, there is a program called HOBY Leadership Conference Scholarship and HOBY is Hue O’Brian Youth Leadership where we send a couple students through United High School, Carl Sandburg College Baby Talk, the Warren County Library, and Kiwanis Kicks.”

Tickets are $7 for adults and $3 for children 10 and under. Drive-thru services will also be available in the back of the American Legion on Saturday April the 23rd.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

Monmouth Kiwanis Club President Julie Shaw

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