Safe Routes to School Awards Announced


Gov. JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Transportation announced $12.3 million in grants for local projects that will help boost the health and safety of children via safer walking and biking routes to school. The Safe Routes to School program is funding 57 projects selected from 102 applications received from municipalities and schools across the state.

“Strong infrastructure is as much about bike paths and sidewalks as it is about highways and freight trains, and I’m proud to support more than 50 projects that will keep our students safer as they go to and from school,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Paired with our Rebuild Illinois capital plan, these federal dollars are another way we’re bringing quality of life improvements to communities all across the state.”

Administered by IDOT using federal funds, Safe Routes to School supports projects and activities that improve safety and encourage active transportation options in areas around elementary and middle schools. Improvements include new sidewalks, efforts to reduce speeding and other traffic offenses, public education, and outreach programs.

The maximum award is $250,000. Among the projects throughout the state:

  • $250,000 to Willow Springs for new sidewalks.
  • $250,000 to Granite City for new sidewalks with ADA curbs and ramps, pavement markings, speed hump, signage and traffic signals near Grigsby Intermediate School.
  • $250,000 to Greenville for sidewalks with ADA curbs and ramps near Greenville elementary and junior high schools.
  • $250,000 to Galesburg for new sidewalks, crossings, and ADA curbs and ramps near King elementary and Lombard junior high schools.
  • $250,000 to Rantoul for new sidewalks, crossings, signage and multiuse path near Pleasant Acres Elementary School.
  • $250,000 to the City of Washington for new sidewalks to connect with existing pedestrian and bicycle accommodations.
  • $145,600 to Creve Coeur for new sidewalks, ADA curbs and ramps.

To view a complete list, visit and click the “Awarded Projects” tab.
“We are proud to help communities and schools in their efforts to provide safer walking and biking routes for students,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman. “By ensuring our youngest residents have access to safe transportation options that are easy for them, we’re not only ensuring their current safety, but also their future health – and the health of the planet.”

To view a short video about the program and its impact on schools, click here or visit IDOT’s YouTube channel.

Safe Routes to School is yet another way that IDOT, under the leadership of Gov. JB Pritzker, is making transformational investments in walking and biking infrastructure.

In 2021, as part of the governor’s historic, bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital program, IDOT awarded nearly $106 million through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program to expand travel options and enhance quality of life in communities throughout the state, the first time that awards were determined based on the greatest need. The amount was the largest ever in program history. 

The next application period for Safe Routes to School is anticipated in 2023. Visit or email for more information.

***Report Courtesy of the State of Illinois***

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