To address storm water runoff, crews this summer will improve the Monmouth-Roseville High School Parking lot by adding green space and environmentally friendly upgrades to help with the issue, which was made possible by a grant says City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher:
“When it rains, particularly in that school parking lot that water immediately enters into the storm water drainage system, which is also our sewage system. So you get all this additional surface water that enters the sewer pipes that direct the water down to the wastewater treatment plants, increasing the pressure on our system to actually treat that because once that rain water is mixed with sewage, it all has to be treated as if it were all sewage. This project will divert a lot of that water runoff and have it be directed into some drainage swales and vegetative areas that will absorb that water through the ground.”
This project is expected to be completed in late June, early July.
**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**