Monmouth-Roseville Board of Education Adds Boys and Girls Swim Coach Stipend


As the Monmouth-Roseville boys and girls swimming has proven longevity, Superintendent Ed Fletcher says the board has approved a coaching stipend:

“For the past several years we have had boys and girls swimming, of course they are two separate seasons. The coaches were there on a volunteer basis. What we decided to do was add a coaching stipend for boys swimming and girls swimming. Initially when we started the program it was is this going to have longevity; it has proven to have longevity. It is another opportunity for kids to be involved in a sport, to be involved in an activity. Hopefully for us, not rely on swimmer a, their parents being the person who has to supervise.”

The Monmouth-Roseville Board of Education has also approved a girls swimming cooperative with West Central and are now waiting to hear if West Central will approve as well.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

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