Monmouth Fire Captain Cozadd Says to Pre-Hydrate During Hot Summer Days


Summer is in full swing and with it brings the heat and humidity. Monmouth Fire Captain Craig Cozadd reminds of taking precautions while working outdoors and when burning in the heat:

“Hydration, in the fire service we teach pre-hydration. Usually they say if you are in the situation and you are needing hydrated at that point, you are probably too late. When it gets hot especially, we like to push water, especially water, some Gatorade, but in the fire service water is the key and you want to pre-hydrate long before you are getting into whatever you are doing. Obviously if you are working outside, use common sense, if you are getting overworked, overheated, et out of it. Don’t stay out there too long in the sun when temperatures are extreme. Anytime you are starting to feel sick or just feeling off, it is a good time to take a break and we get a lot of calls through the summer. Fire wise, it is not terribly dry out yet. I think we are creeping up on that. It seems like we keep getting rain when we need it, but as far as that goes, the Chief will put something out when the time comes, if it does, for if it is too dry to do anything; just common sense with that as well, as far as burning and those kinds of things and following city ordinances for that.”

Furthermore, Captain Cozadd and Monmouth Fire Chief Casey Rexroat stress the importance of never leaving children or pets inside a hot vehicle.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

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