In the first significant construction in over 50 years on Carl Sandburg College’s main campus in Galesburg, a new Science and Technology building is taking shape. The new building will house Sandburg’s offered health profession courses, as well as several multi-purpose classrooms. For an occupation that will always be around, Dean of Health Professions, Derek Schreiner, shares the opportunities available locally at Sandburg:
“In my area you are going to have nursing, nurse assistants, as well as medical assistants and phlebotomists. We also have the dental hygiene program. We have a very unique program in our mortuary science program, and we also have our radiology technology program. Depending on which field we are talking about, we have some certificates that can be achieved in as little as eleven weeks, so you can get right in and get right out there into the work world. Then we have some programs that are going to be the full two-year AAS degree programs.”
Enrollment for 2022 Fall Classes at Carl Sandburg College is open and can be completed online or at the Welcome Center on the main campus in Galesburg.
**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**